What Employers Say

The assessor was fantastic, really friendly and very approachable. I also feel that the MA course is a great way for employees to learn on the job and receive a recognised qualification at the end of their training”

96% of employers reported that their employees were better able to do their job as a result of the Modern Apprenticeship.

75% of employers reported improved productivity.

72% of employers reported increases in staff morale.


89% of employers would recommend Modern Apprenticeships if asked by another employer in their industry.

Figures are sourced from Skills Development Scotland Employer Survey

The full report can be found here

“I genuinely enjoyed completing the qualification. My assessor made me feel at ease from the beginning”

Level 5 SCQF Retail

“The course was fun, well explained and beneficial for future learning and, also to transfer into the workplace”

Level 6 SCQF, Retail Management